
Make Morning Meditation as Important as Brushing Your Teeth

Would you ever leave home without brushing your teeth? Of course not. Really gross. (And if you do, well, um, we can’t be friends) The thought of it would never occur to you. It is something necessary to feel good, to feel refreshed, to start your day. Without ever questioning it, it is simply a vital part of your morning routine.

It only takes a couple minutes.

You do it every single day without fail.

You feel better after.

So what about a morning meditation? Before you offer up a million and one excuses as to why this won’t work, hear me out…

I am still on my healing journey with cerebellar gluten ataxia and will be (lovingly) doing health homework for well, forever. In a nutshell, gluten was affecting the part of my brain which controls motor skills and tap dancing on my nerves. Walking became laboured to say the least and my world became one of sensory overload. The combo of a few minute walk to a din-filled restaurant would take me down before the entrees hit the table. But the one thing that always helped calm down all the symptoms and still does is meditation.

I have always loved meditating and can peacefully sit in silence for long periods of time, on a bench, under a tree,  in crowded areas, in the middle of a rock concert if need be and would do it sporadically. When the pain and exhaustion was too much I would often listen to ocean waves or calm music if I couldn’t quiet my own cranium. Then one day it hit me, if meditation always made me feel so good, helped me to walk better, helped calm down my nervous system and cleared my brain, why wasn’t I doing it every day?  I love fruits and vegetables and eat them every day because they are good for me. Well…meditation is good for me too. And every day seemed like a good idea.

Autoimmunity has forced me to create some new morning routines to keep my wellness on track. I decided to add meditation to the list. I quietly sit down every morning after brushing my teeth and showering.  I usually sit for anywhere from five minutes to ten , sometimes longer.  Even a couple minutes is a gift every morning and lets me start my day on a calm, peaceful, yet energetic note.  Most times I am able to sit with a clear mind but if it does wander, I may choose that morning to set some intentions for my day or give thanks for the positives in my life. And if something pops in my head unexpectedly, I don’t try to push it away, I question what I am to learn from it. There are no words to describe how grounding – and necessary this morning ritual has become.

I don’t have kids so I can already see the parents rolling their eyes. I hear you! I know mornings with kids can be crazy. But if your mornings are hectic, where can you slot in the calm? If you have little ones running around, and literally don’t have 2 minutes of peace, here are some suggestions:

Close your eyes in the shower and calm your mind for even a minute – sit if you want to – why not?

Listen to a relaxing meditation be it sounds or music in your car, on the subway or on your commuter train

Take turns with your partner getting the kids ready in the mornings so you both can carve out a couple minutes to meditate on alternate days

Get up a few minutes before everyone else and alter your morning routine slightly

I am not what you would call a morning person so the fact that this is my new normal is shocking even to me! But I’ve grown to crave it. I can’t imagine missing it. It has become as vital and normal as brushing my teeth.  For those of you thinking of how crazy your mornings are, those of you still rolling your eyes at me right now, I leave you with this – can you carve 5 minutes out of your lunchtime or break every day? And just sayin’…you also brush your teeth every night before going to bed…  Pick a time that works for you and stick with it for 2 weeks.  Looking forward to hearing how you feel.